Cash aids provided to flood victims in Gangaw Tsp.

A ceremony to provide cash aids to flood victims in Gangaw Township, Magway Region was held at an office of Ward Administrator in Ward-3 in the town of Gangaw yesterday.
Indawgyi Lake conserves rare fish species ‘Microphis Dunckeris’
Indawgyi Lake conserves the world’s rare fish species called Microphis Dunckeris, which inhabit only in Indawgyi Lake in Kachin State in Myanmar, according to Fauna & Flora International (FFI-Myanmar). The FFI Myanmar is arranging to conserve the fish species called Microphis Dunckeris by designating the Lake as a conservative zone to prevent this species from extinction.
Health consultation phone service provided in 5 more townships
The health consultation service over the phone has been extended up to five more townships, according to the announcement of the General Practitioners Society under Myanmar Medical Association.
Ministry of State Counsellor Office holds press briefing on existing situations in relation to elections
Director-General U Zaw Htay from the Ministry of Office of the State Counsellor affirmed the prioritized policy of the government for ensuring an independent, free and fair election on 8 November during his press briefing yesterday on existing situations in the country ahead of 2020 General Election.
MoHS organizes virtual meeting with volunteers, social organizations over COVID-19 response efforts
The Ministry of Health and Sports yesterday morning organized a virtual meeting with volunteer groups, social organizations and civil society organizations involved in COVID-19 response efforts. During the virtual meeting, Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe highlighted significant roles of enthusiastic volunteers in COVID-19 response efforts.
Union Minister Dr Myo Thein Gyi joins 4th ICAIT via videoconferencing
Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi took part in the first-day event of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies through videoconferencing yesterday.
MoLIP discusses distribution of COVID-19 medical devices for 2020 General Election
Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population held a coordination meeting of Central Receiving and Distributing Committee on COVID-19 Medical Devices for 2020 General Election yesterday afternoon in Nay Pyi Taw.