Locals hope Paleik ancient site to become tourist attraction

Some of the residents in Paleik want the ancient cultural area in Singaing Township to be systematically managed to become a tourist attraction for international tourists, said poet and journalist Maung Ye Nway (Paleik). Like Bagan, there are many ancient pagodas in Paleik.
MoBA constructs earth road in Khakaborazi area
The Ministry of Border Affairs is constructing an earth road in Khakaborazi area in the northernmost part of Myanmar.
Myanmar’s third-cycle report on human rights issue reviewed at 37th session of UPR

Japan provides COVID-19 medical supplies, equipment to Myanmar

MoLIP discusses Rakhine State development with UN agencies, international organizations

Natural cave in Kayah State to be developed as tourist attraction

Cash aids provided to households without regular income in Homane 
Households with irregular income in three wards and three village-tracts in the town of Homane, Langkho District, Shan State (South) were provided with cash aids on January 24.