Promoting the role of medical social work and medicare

Medical social work is a social service for those who are hospitalized in state-owned hospitals and who are facing socio-medical difficulties that are required to be solved with the help of medical social workers. The service is a small unit known as the Medical Aid Unit under the Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Health and Sports.
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
IT does not matter where people live or what kind of ethnic group they are. People all over the world have at least one in common with other people.
Some Memories of Yangon University in the 1920s

10 March

Continued from yesterday

Some Memories of Yangon University in the 1920s
Yangon University College and Judson College were welded together into Yangon University on 1st December,1920 under the New Yangon University Act.
Health authorities across the WHO South-East Asia Region must recognize and embrace their role in promoting gender equality
I NTERNATIONAL Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the courage, strength and capacity of ‘ordinary’ women to drive extraordinary change.
2019 International Women’s Day: “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change”
Investing in women is the most effective way to lift families, communities, businesses, and countries. Women’s participation makes peace agreements stronger, societies more resilient and economic growth more sustainable. Empowering women will benefit us all.
The Union Government has been seriously encouraging Traditional Medicine (TM), considering it a traditional heritage