Perseverance as a backbone; diligence as a yoke

“ IF cows go astray, tigers will attack them.” Is a well-known Myanmar proverb. When signs of disintegration are seen, this saying is borrowed to cite as an example.
What trigger the landslides?
AFEW days ago, there was a very fatal landslide at Thaè Phyu Gone village in Paung township, Mon State. According to the latest reports as at 1813 hrs., ...........
Lot-casting to solve food shortage
WAKHAUNG, the 5th month of the Myanmar Lunar Calendar approximately corresponds to August. The literal meaning of Wakhaung is the middle of Wa ..........
A Geographer’s Perspective on the Issues of Climate Change and Global Warming

Khakaborazi National Park stands out as ASEAN Heritage Park

12 August

Some cities around the world are sinking

11 August

Physically and Mentally Fit Youth for the Brighter Future
Myanmar has adopted the concept of health promotion in school settings since the beginning of Global School Health Initiatives in 1996.