State Economic Promotion Fund Management Committee holds 2nd coord meeting

The State Economic Promotion Fund Management Committee held its second coordination meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yester­day.


During the meeting, Com­mittee Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Planning and Finance U Win Shein said the committee’s re­port between 1 October 2023 and 31 March 2024 has been submit­ted to the State Administration Council.


He then urged the commit­tee members to scrutinize and review the issuance of capital investment, loans and repay­ment, suspension of capital/ interest payment for certain regional conditions and Mocha, systematic inventory for loans in order to offer as per the financial procedures, work completions for 2022-2023 Financial Year of Union Auditor General Office and training courses in regions/ states and self-administered re­gions/zones.


The secretary of the com­mittee and other attendees co­ordinated the discussion, and the Union minister concluded the meeting after giving proper instructions. — MNA/KTZH