State Counsellor discusses ground situation with Covid-19 fighters from Ayeyawady Region

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in her capacity as Chairperson of the National Central Committee for COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment, emphasized the importance of protective materials in the containment of the pandemic, in her videoconference call from the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday with front line workers in Ayeyawady Region.

The following persons participated in the video conference with the State Counsellor: Midwife Daw Phyu Phyu Latt from the duty station at Bantbwegone rural clinic in Myanaung Township, Pettan village-tract administrator U Saw Win Tun Naing in Zalun Township, and Red Cross deputy company leader Daw Sandi Htike from Mawlamyinegyun Township.

They held discussions on quarantine activities, public health awareness activities, requirements for medicines, the need for temperature monitoring equipment which are of good quality, the use of loud speakers to inform the people about instructions released by the Ministry of Health and Sports, collaboration efforts with the township Social Welfare department to disseminate health education pamphlets and also to provide comfort and moral support, accommodation for health workers, difficulties in awareness programmes, timely availability of guidelines, deployment of adequate security personnel at the toll gates, sufficient designated quarantine centres, the fact that some people were more interested in rumours than health bulletins, and also about the situation in which people find it difficult to stay at home because they need to work for their daily survival.

The State Counsellor spoke about the need for the public to follow the guidelines and advice of health workers and increasing health awareness campaigns. In this regards, she also spoke about the plans being undertaken by the Union Government to see to the needs of the people as soon as possible and as much as possible.

In her concluding remarks, she pledged the government would help as much as possible to alleviate the worries of the people with regard to food and livelihood issues; she added that it would not be possible to overcome the current problem immediately; and that was why it was important to reduce anxiety and stress.

She also spoke about the necessity of sufficient protective gears for the personnel of administrative, health and humanitarian organizations who were participating in the fight against COVID-19, and the fact that you can help others only if you protect yourself.

She added that suitable accommodations would be arranged for health workers and other staff as soon as possible; that medicines and materials as well as manpower needs would be fulfilled as much as possible; and also that ways and means would be found to ensure that the people would accept with great interest the health awareness messages regarding the fight against COVID-19.


The State Counsellor expressed her thanks to the front-liners in the containment of COVID-19; she told them that if they were able to do the things that needed to be done in the best possible way, it would become a moral strength for them and give them satisfaction; she wanted them to understand that doing what needed to be done for the welfare of others should be regarded as a strength.

She added that she had already noted down everything; by having discussions in this manner things that needed to be done for the whole country have emerged; good ideas were gained; the reason I connect with the people in this manner is to get ideas. In meeting the challenge of COVID-19 in whatever possible way, we need to think of new ways to overcome this problem. She continued that the people also need to cooperate with the government; she appreciated and recognized the efforts being put in to contain the COVID-19 virus. She said she regarded all of them as very valuable resources for the country and that she wanted them all to continue the good work. She ended the discussions by saying that she wanted to wish them all good health and well-being and that all their good wishes would be fulfilled in the New Year. —MNA


(Translated by Aung Khin and Kyaw Myaing)