The Singapore-Myanmar Vocational Training Institute (SMVTI) admits applications of new trainees, as announced by the Technical and Vocation­al Education and Training De­partment under the Ministry of Science and Technology.


The course is scheduled to commence on 2 May at the Singapore-Myanmar Vocation­al Training Institute in Bahan Township. It will encompass both theoretical and practical teaching, and utilizing modern laboratory equipment. The pri­mary objective of this course is to equip trainees with practical skills for employment in the hospitality, tourism, engineer­ing, and technology sectors.


The hospitality and tour­ism courses (12th Batch) will cover front office operations, housekeeping operations, and restaurant operations. Similar­ly, engineering and technology courses (11th Batch) will include electrical technology, electron­ics, residential air-conditioning, mechatronics (basic servicing), and general welding.


Prospective candidates must have passed the matric­ulation examination and be at least 16 years old. Select­ed candidates are required to attend the 6-month course in its entirety and will receive a certificate upon completion.


Priority will be given to applicants who are in good health and capable of perform­ing practical tasks, preparing them for entry into relevant workplaces upon course com­pletion.

Applicants must submit their applications during of­fice hours from 13 February to 15 March, along with copies of their matriculation certifi­cate and mark sheet, a pass­port-sized photo, and endorse­ments of ward administration office and police station.


During the application pro­cess, applicants must present the original certificate and mark sheet of the matricula­tion examination. Additionally, all applicants are required to undergo an interview. — TWA/ KZL