Set aside discrimination against each other in society

Discrimination within Myanmar’s society is a deplorable phenomenon, especially given the predominantly Buddhist population that adheres to the teachings of Lord Buddha. The majority of Myanmar’s Buddhist population views discrimination as an act beneath individuals of any social standing. The essence of Buddhism underscores the equality of all living beings, regardless of their economic status. Rich and poor alike share fundamental human rights, emphasizing the commonality of the human experience.


Myanmar has witnessed a commendable shift where women, possessing ample capabilities, have entered various sectors, chal­lenging stereotypes. In fields such as education, auditing, accounting, garment production, and handicrafts, women exhibit control, lever­aging their patience, tolerance, and strong mental attributes. The evolution is not just limited to men but encompasses both genders engaging in competitive efforts to establish their careers. It is imperative for individuals from diverse backgrounds to unite against discrimination and extend support to one another.


Youth in contemporary Myanmar comprehend the detrimental effects of discrim­ination and actively champion measures for peaceful coex­istence. Recognizing the glob­al importance of eradicating discrimination, the United Nations General Assembly designated the day of 1 March as Zero Discrimination Day. This day serves as a platform to promote awareness, inclu­sion, compassion, and a col­lective movement for positive change, fostering global soli­darity to eliminate all forms of discrimination. Hence, coun­tries around the world have been marking Zero Discrimi­nation Day yearly since 2014. In accord with the theme of 2024: “To protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s rights”, the day is celebrated.


Zero Discrimination Day aligns with the broader objective of promoting equality before the law and in practice across all UN mem­ber countries. Organizations like UNAIDS, dedicated to combating discrimination against individuals living with HIV/AIDS, particularly highlight this day. The call to oppose discrimination extends to all spheres, be it economic disparity, educational differences, or em­ployment status. Embracing a universal understanding of humanity is essential to foster an inclusive society.


The United Nations Development Programme recognized the struggles faced by LGBT individuals with HIV/AIDS in 2017, paying tribute to their resilience against discrimination. It underscores the collective responsibility of individuals to eschew discrimination, viewing it as a societal duty to cultivate peace, stability, empathy, and prosperity. The emphasis is on embracing peace and compassion as shared values, aiming to eradicate the lingering consequences of historical discrimination. Through such collective efforts, societies worldwide can strive towards a future where happiness and equality prevail for all.