Select the ideal season for the well-being of future generations

Despite the anticipated onset of the cold season, Myanmar residents find themselves grappling with intense heat. Surprisingly, winter is an infrequent visitor to most parts of Myanmar, predominantly limited to specific northern regions. Ideally, the entire country should be basking in the refreshing cool­ness of the cold season — a natural occurrence that occurs annually.


Over the years, Myanmar has undergone substantial societal changes, marked by physical development and enhanced infra­structure. Major cities are witnessing a surge in the construction of towering buildings, accompanied by the expansion of residential areas. Regrettably, this progress is not without consequences — it has led to the gradual depletion of forested areas.


While Myanmar has not yet confronted desertification, around 42 per cent of the nation’s forested regions struggle to withstand the adverse effects of ultravio­let rays, owing to atmospheric vulnerabilities. Consequent­ly, citizens across the country grapple with oppressive heat throughout the year, irrespec­tive of the season.


The current scenario serves as a poignant lesson for the populace. Many at­tribute the diminishing forest coverage to businesses indis­criminately felling trees in mountainous regions without due consideration. Although these actions were perceived as contributing to the nation’s development, their repercus­sions were felt by all citizens, directly or indirectly.


Instead of assigning blame for the diminishing forest coverage, it is impera­tive for all Myanmar citizens to internalize this lesson. The emphasis should be on foster­ing a commitment to nurture and safeguard forested areas, ensuring that future gener­ations are shielded from the scorching heat in all seasons.


Rather than attributing the current heat wave to the impacts of El Niño, citizens should contemplate their collective future. They ought to reflect on how many trees they have planted and the extent to which they diligently protect them. The objective is to augment forest coverage, enabling future generations to seek refuge in the forests during the monsoon, winter, and summer sea­sons, regardless of the challenges posed by both Saturn weather El Niño and La Niña.


The present juncture is an opportune moment for Myanmar citizens to join forces in a shared commitment to reverse the trend of diminishing forest coverage. Through active engagement in tree planting and conservation initiatives, they can forge a sustainable environment that offers relief from extreme weather conditions for generations to come. Greening environments will remove worries of the people from the degraded environment and sustainable environmental conservation measures.