Pyidaungsu Hluttaw concludes debates on Constitutional amendments, voting to start next week

6 March

Hluttaw representatives continued to debate proposed amendments to the Constitution during the 18th-day meeting of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 15th regular session yesterday.

U Naing Htoo Aung of Natogyi constituency first took the floor and said that the word ‘disciplined’ in Articles 6-(d) and 7 should be removed as a ‘multi-party democratic system’ already carries the meaning in an even more comprehensive context.

Next, U Pe Than of Myebon constituency said he supported amendments to Article 8, which seeks to add ‘democratic federal’ in front of ‘Union system’. He said as the nation is composed of diverse ethnicities, there will never be peace nor development unless a federal Union is truly established.

U Sai Kyaw Moe of Mongpan constituency then said while it is true that the current times and situation of the nation calls for amending the Constitution, it should not be amended to benefit or create advantageous conditions for any individual person or group.

Dr San Shwe Win of Yekyi constituency then took the floor and said the requisite to recall a Hluttaw representative outlined in Article 396-(b), which stipulates that at least 1 per cent of the original voters of the constituency concerned need to submit the complaint to the Union Election Commission, should be modified to 20 per cent.

He said changing the required number of original voters to 20 per cent will prevent losses on the part of the constituents and constituency, deter misgivings among the public and political parties, prevent disintegration of ethnic solidarity, and ensure a heavy burden is not placed upon the UEC.

Nineteen Hluttaw representatives continued debating the proposed amendments.

Following this, Speaker U T Khun Myat announced that the debate of 147 Hluttaw representatives on proposed amendments to the Constitution has concluded. He said voting on the 14 proposed amendments regarding the Article 436-(a) will commence on 10 March.

The 15th regular session of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 19th-day meeting will be held on 10 March.—Aung Ye Twin, Aye Aye Thant (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)