Promote development and academic excellence through research initiatives

In the quest for modernity, workplaces across the globe are recognizing the pivotal role of research processes in aligning with contemporary challenges. Researchers play a crucial role by embarking on field trips and investigating pertinent subjects that contribute to the advancement of political, economic, and social domains. The application of research findings in practical fields is integral for fostering progress.


Countries that prioritize research experience tangible de­velopment outcomes. Myanmar, in its pursuit of comprehensive progress, must sustain a continuous commitment to research across all sectors. Scientists and researchers are called upon to engage in thorough and thoughtful investigations, drawing on their experiences and critical thinking skills to yield refined results.


Universities, as custodians of knowledge dissemination, heavily rely on research as their lifeblood. The research process acts as a vital bridge connecting faculty members and students in aca­demic endeavours. The conventional learning experience hinges on research and academic workshops that emphasize deriving optimal solutions from research findings and implementing them in practical settings. Both fac­ulty members and university students must actively par­ticipate in relevant research processes to enhance their qualifications and elevate the standards of the subjects they impart to the next generation.


The government’s focus on national development, par­ticularly in the agriculture and livestock sectors, underscores the importance of research in these domains to stimulate both state and private econ­omies. Faculty members and students alike should not shy away from research endeav­ours, recognizing them as indispensable for the mod­ernization of their academic disciplines.


Internationally, the quali­fications of professors are of­ten gauged by the number and impact of their research pa­pers. Professors are entrusted with the dual responsibility of researching while imparting knowledge to students. Their role extends to providing ac­ademic guidance on research methodologies and enhancing the capacity of students.


Healthy competition among faculty mem­bers in conducting research is a catalyst for national development and the continuous improvement of relevant academic disciplines.


The benefits of research extend beyond academia to tangible contributions in the manufacturing sector, ensuring the production of high-quality, side-effect-free products. Faculty members are encouraged to pursue a relentless cycle of research endeavours, investing their expertise to serve the nation’s interests and elevate the value of research works for the benefit of the people. In essence, the commitment to research emerges as a cornerstone for both national development and academic excellence.