One COVID-19 patient discharged from hospital in Pwintbyu Twsp.

Pwintbyu, 14 January

One more confirmed COVID-19 positive patient being treated at the temporary hospital in the town of Pwintbyu, Magway Region was discharged from the hospital yesterday evening, according to the township medical superintendent Dr. Soe Soe Naing.

The patient, identified as a woman, 23, from Nyaunghla Village in Pwintbyu Township was discharged from the temporary hospital after tested negative for the virus in the second round of testing. Officials from the township Department of Health presented health certificate to the patient.  Afterwards, a charitable group in Pwintbyu sent the patient to her native village by car.

The patient will also be placed under seven-day home quarantine when she arrived in her native village in accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Health and Sports.

As of January 13, out of 69 confirmed COVID-19 positive in Pwintbyu Township, 61 were discharged from the hospital. Currently, eight confirmed COVID-19 patients are reportedly receiving medical treatment in the temporary hospital in the town of Pwintbyu.

Ye Win Naing, IPRD
Translated by JT