
NyaungU growers get higher prices of chickpea than last year

 March 03, 2022

The chickpea growers in NyaungU township are very happy due to the rising price of chickpea price this year more than last year, according to chickpea growers.

The local farmers from NyaungU township are growing chickpea plantations in high volume when the river water is a low tide. Besides, they are also growing chickpea when the Ayeyawady and Chindwin rivers have risen. They do not cultivate a single variety. But they cultivated sunflower or other pulses in addition to chickpea. The farmers consider chickpea to be the most profitable crop of their township due to its high demand and easily earning, said U Phoe Kyaw, a local chickpea grower from NyaungU township.

There are two types of chickpeas named big white chickpea and small white chickpea. The price of small white chickpea was pegged at K26,000 per basket last year, whereas the price spiked to over K28,000 per basket at present. The price of old big white chickpea was ranged at K24,500 per basket bag, whereas the old chickpea price rose to over K26,500 per basket at present.

One basket of chickpea contains 19 visses. The growers who cultivate chickpea are now delighted at prices having substantially increased this year more than last year and the yield will be likely to grow up. The harvested chickpea and oil-producing sunflowers are sold at the Pakokku commodity depot, it is learnt. — Ko Htein (KPD)/GNLM