Nicotine in disguise

28 October

SMOKING, betel quid chewing and tobacco consumption are die-hard habits. The main agent that makes it hard to relinquish those habits is nicotine. In fact, most smokers, betel  quid  chewers  or  tobacco  consumers  are  addicted  to nicotine. 

Nicotine is harmful to the nervous system and muscle cells. It can cause strokes due to the blockage of blood vessels in the brain. People absorb nicotine through smoking cigarettes, cheroots, pipes or cigars. And there is also another way, which is smokeless tobacco, and it includes tobacco chewing. Users put tobacco leaves into their mouths and suck on them, instead of smoking them.

Many  studies  have  shown  a  convincing  link  between  betel  nut  use  and  cancer  of  the  mouth and esophagus. Betel nuts  can  cause  stiffness  in  the mouth and eventually the loss of jaw movements. Regular chewing of betel quid can also cause gum irritation and tooth decay. The use of betel quid  alone  has  many  health  hazards, and when this product is combined with tobacco, the user’s risk of early illness and death is significantly increased.

Additionally,  smoking  causes  some  seven  out  of  every 10 cases of lung cancer (70%).  It  also  causes  cancer  in  many  other  parts  of  the  body,  including  the  mouth,  throat,  voice  box  (larynx),  oesophagus,  bladder,  bowel,  cervix, kidney, liver, stomach and pancreas.

Myanmar  enacted  a  law  to  eliminate  the  habit  of  smoking  and betel quid chewing in 2006. Under the law, warning messages have appeared on the packaging of cigarettes and other tobacco products. 

As the fight against tobacco use has turned into a global campaign, big tobacco companies began to apply alternative means to find new markets, and mainly preyed on young people. They introduced  the  Electronic  cigarette  (e-cigarette),  claiming  that  they are less harmful. But E-cigarettes may lead to the initiation of  nicotine  use  in  adult  and  youth  non-smokers,  re-initiation  of  nicotine  dependence  in  ex-smokers  or  increased  severity  of  nicotine dependence in dual-users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes. 

Electronic cigarettes can resemble traditional tobacco cigarettes (cig-a-likes), cigars or pipes, or even everyday items like pens or USB memory sticks. Regardless of their design and appearance, these devices are generally hazardous to health, as they are not free from nicotine. In fact, they are nicotine in disguise.