Nay Pyi Taw Safari, zoo, cinemas, shopping malls draw people on Waso Fullmoon Day

Pagodas and recreation sites in Nay Pyi Taw attracted the people on the holiday of the Full Moon Day of Waso.

Yesterday, zoological garden, Safari Park, water fountain, the National Landmarks, shopping malls and cinemas are crowded with governmental employees and visitors from regions and states.

“As a special programmes, elephant show is staged on holidays in this zoological garden,” said U Pyai Sone Myo, Director of the zoological garden which is under the Ministry National Resources and Environmental Conservation.

Visitors enjoyed their leisure time feeding the animals at the zoo yesterday.

National Landmarks

The Safari Park in Nay Pyi Taw was crowded with visitors yesterday.

“We have touch the heart of our ethnic brethren while visiting the region and state landmarks. We also relax ourselves seeing the people taking rest in the park,” said Maung Chit of Kintha Village in Tatkon Township.

There are traditional houses of ethnic races, their traditional food stalls and playgrounds in the Nay Pyi Taw National Landmarks.Besides, on holidays, music and cultural dance troupes from Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Myanwady entertainment troupe entertained the visitors with music and dances.

On the Full Moon Day of Waso, Nay Pyi Taw Aungthabyay Cinema was also crowded with the people yesterday.— Min Min Zaw, MNA
(Translated by TTN)