Myanmar hosts 18th ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry Meeting

Myanmar hosted the 18th ASEAN Working Group on So­cial Forestry (AWGSF) Meeting virtually yesterday.


The director-general of the Forest Department spoke on the occasion that the fun­damental objective of ASEAN cooperation in the social for­estry sector is to enhance sus­tainable forest management for the continuous production of forest products and services in a balanced way.


Moreover, the meeting will finalize the manual book for Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) for customary land ownership, and present the ASEAN cooperation in the social forestry sector, progress­es in member countries, poli­cies, laws, good practices and challenges, and the attendees should participate in the discus­sion cordially, he added.


The deputy director-gen­eral (Policy and Planning) chaired the meeting. —MNA/ KTZH