According to statistics re­leased by the Ministry of Com­merce (MoC), exports exceed­ed US$264 million from 6 to 12 January. The major exported items included rice, broken rice, beans and pulses, fruits, rubber, and sesame.


The Myanmar Rice Online — MyRo system, an online reg­istration system for warehous­ing rice, has been implemented by the MoC and the Myanmar Rice Federation to supervise rice exports, prioritizing suffi­cient domestic stock and price stability. Indonesia, the Philip­pines, Malaysia, Belgium, Cam­eroon, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, and the Ivory Coast were the primary purchasers of rice from Myanmar during the week.


A total of 326 tonnes of rubber were exported during the week, generating approxi­mately US$10 million. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Rubber (RSS Rubber) and mixture rubbers were mainly shipped to China, Malaysia, Japan, Viet Nam, In­donesia, and South Korea, while rubbers were delivered to Chi­na and Thailand via the border trade route.


The ministry urges the ex­tension of cultivation and pro­ductivity of seasonal agricultur­al produce and tree crops such as rubber to increase agricul­ture and livestock item exports.


Latex can be collected from seven or eight-year-old trees, and the country has already secured a reasonable global market share. The Myanmar Rubber Planters and Produc­ers Association and relevant departments continuously col­laborate on arrangements to produce rubber.


Rubber production is di­rectly linked to Goal 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals — ‘promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and de­cent work for all.’ According to the Agriculture Department’s statistics, Myanmar produces 300,000-400,000 tonnes of rubber annually.


The ministry also states that promoting rubber exports and producing import-substi­tute goods are expected to be fundamental factors for the country’s economic growth. The ministry urges relevant depart­ments, technicians, experts, and stakeholders to collaborate on producing creative, innovative, and quality products and raw materials, increasing manu­facturing items, and boosting investments in manufacturing, production, agriculture, and ex­port sectors. — MNA/ TMT