Myanmar exported 630,000 tonnes of beans and pulses earning over US$ 511 million from 1 April to 18 August of 2023-2024FY, according to My­anmar Pulses, Beans, Maize and Sesame Seeds Merchants Association.


The country exports over one million tonnes of beans and pulses yearly and the ex­port earning is between $ 1.2 billion and $ 1.5 billion, said U Tun Lwin, chairman of the association.


“We mainly export mung bean, black gram and pigeon pea, especially to India and China. During the period be­tween 1 April and 18 August of 2023-2024FY, we exported 630,000 tonnes of beans and pulses via sea route and bor­der camp and earned over $ 511 million. The country re­ceived over $1.4 billion from beans and pulses export in 2022-2023FY,” he said.


The cultivation of pulse crops is the second largest in the country accounting for 33 per cent of agricultural pro­duce. Bean cultivation covers 20 per cent of overall growing acres while black beans, pi­geon peas, green gram and other beans occupy 72 per cent of bean acreage. — ASH/ KTZH