Myanmar to attend 25th ASEAN information meeting in Cambodia

The Myanmar delegation led by U Ye Naing, Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television under the Ministry of Informa­tion, who is also the chairman of Myanmar’s ASEAN Information Sub-Committee, left Yangon for Cambodia to attend the 25th ASE­AN-COCI Sub-Committee on Information Meeting yesterday.


The ASEAN Information Sector (ASEAN-SCI) meetings are held annually with the main purpose of strengthening mu­tual understanding and trust between member countries through information and com­munication activities in the ASE­AN region and jointly implement­ing ASEAN projects.


A total of 10 member coun­tries attended and discussed the latest developments regarding information sector activities and project activities.


ASEAN member countries chair this meeting once a year. This year, Cambodia will host it from 29 to 30 May in Siem Reap. — MNA/KZL