Mandalay Region De­partment of Archeology and National Museum, under the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, has docu­mented 75 kinds of intangible cultural heritage in Mandalay Re­gion, an official from the depart­ment told The Global New Light of Myanmar (GNLM) yesterday.


“Intangible cultural herit­age is something like a custom, tradition, creation and fine arts accepted by a country, race, or community. The current list in­cludes oral history or stories, de­scriptive languages, performing arts, traditional social practices, natural and universal knowledge and related traditional practices, traditional arts and crafts,” the official said.


In addition, Mandalay, pre­serving a great cultural tradition, is in a position to gather addition­al lists, and there is still a lot left to collect in the performing arts section.


In performing arts, the My­anmar Puppet Show, Myoma Band and Magalulin long drum band are listed. Unique pagoda festivals, traditional events and ceremonies, including Taung­pyone festival, Waso Chinlone playing (Cane Ball) festival, Novitiation ceremony for boys and ear-piercing ceremony for girls (Shinpyu & Natha Ceremo­ny), elephant festival, clayware festival, traditional boat racing, hoisting pagoda umbrella cere­mony, Vesak Day celebration by pouring water at banyan trees (Bo trees), Mandalay water festi­val (Thingyan), traditional hairdo art and, Pantthaku celebrations in Tazaungdaing festival are doc­umented for social customs and traditions list.


Myanmar traditional medi­cine is recorded under the list of natural and universal knowledge and related traditional practic­es. A total of 75 business cate­gories, including stone carving art, traditional paper crafting art, Pyu-period beads manufac­turing, bronze casting, iron um­brella, jam varieties production, Montseinpaung snack, gold foil packing paper manufacturing, Poneyaygyi (horse gram paste) and Montlinmaya (husband and wife snack) snack businesses are documented for traditional arts and crafts.


Data regarding Myanmar’s intangible cultural heritage has been collected since 2014 to pro­tect and preserve them. — ASH/ TH