Union Immigration and Popu­lation Minister U Myint Kyaing, accompanied by Myanmar Am­bassador to India U Moe Kyaw Aung, paid a visit to the regional office of the Aadhaar Centre in New Delhi. During the visit, the officials in charge of the Aadhaar system provided a comprehen­sive explanation of the enrol­ment and update processes to the people in the region.


During the visit, the Union minister actively engaged with the officials and raised pertinent queries regarding the require­ments for Aadhaar enrolment. The person in charge of the Aadhaar system addressed all the concerns and provided de­tailed responses.


The visit to the Aadhaar Cen­tre in New Delhi marks a signif­icant step in fostering collabora­tion and learning from India’s experience in implementing this unique identification system. The Myanmar government continues to explore effective measures for streamlining services and pro­viding better assistance to its citizens. — MNA/TS