MoI Union Minister leaves for Viet Nam to attend 16th AMRI & related meetings

A delegation led by Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn left for Da Nang, Viet Nam, yester­day to attend the 16th ASEAN Ministers’ Responsible for Information (16th AMRI), 20th Senior Officials Meeting on Information (20th SOMRI) and its related meetings. The 16th AMRI will be held on 22 and 23 September.


Permanent Secretary U Myo Myint Maung of the Ministry of Information and delegates attended the 20th Senior Officials’ Meeting Responsible for Information (SOMRI) and its related meet­ings that are being held on 19 and 21 September in advance. Ministers and senior officials responsible for information from ASEAN member states, China, Japan and Korea will attend the meetings. — MNA/ TH