MoI Union Minister inspects MRTV (Tatkon) in Nay Pyi Taw

Union Minister for Informa­tion U Maung Maung Ohn in­spected the Screen Test of news anchors for respective channels of MRTV and work plans con­ducted with capital expenditure of MRTV at the MRTV in Nay Pyi Taw (Tatkon) yesterday.


First, the Union minister observed the conference room where 14 new recruits under­went a screen test for news presentation for MRTV chan­nels and encouraged them.


Then, the Union minister explained the actual situation of the country and stressed the need to be served in media ways regarding the responsi­bilities to defend the country, ethnic unity, public awareness, and security measures.


Next, MRTV Director-Gen­eral U Ye Naing reported on four projects being conducted with MRTV’s capital expend­iture and one new project to be undertaken in 2024-2025FY. The Union Minister also in­spected the broadcasting system, lighting and sound systems of TMW Enterprise company that won upgrading SD to HD system tender with K1,570 million at the News Stu­dio (1).


He also observed the work processes of Elevate Broadcast Myanmar company that won the tender for upgrading SD to HD system for Presenta­tion Work Stations 3 and 4 with K3,380 million.


He then looked into the LED Wall at the Auditorium be­ing executed by tender-winning company TMW Enterprise with K549 million and the completed work of Constructive Engineers company that won the tender with K1,240 million for the sec­ond phase of upgrading the air condition system of the MRTV main building.


He also inspected the work­ing mechanism of the Conver­gence News Room System to be upgraded in 2024-2025FY and made proper instructions. — MNA/KTZH