Deputy Minister for Home Affairs and Chief of Myanmar Police Force Lt-Gen Ni Lin Aung, who also chairs the working com­mittee for implementing the five-year anti-human trafficking plan, convened a strategic meeting with other members yesterday.


The chairman began by re­flecting on last year's achieve­ments, which included educating the public on human trafficking through media channels, collabo­rating with local and internation­al organizations such as embas­sies and INTERPOL’s National Central Bureau to rescue for­eigners who had suffered plights in Myanmar, and rehabilitating trafficked victims.


He stated that 94 per cent of the work programmes involving collaboration, prevention, legal actions, and protection were suc­cessfully achieved in 2023.


Looking ahead to the future, the chairman presented four mis­sions which included 62 points of procedures, and 169 task points for 2024. The new tasks aim to ad­dress the new forms and routes of human trafficking, including digital-assisted anti-human trafficking. The members of the working committee discussed the 2024 action plan.


Subsequently, the chairman encouraged team members to strive towards completing the fourth quarter of the five-year project (2022-2026), drawn up in accordance with internationally accepted norms, within the des­ignated timeframe. — MNA/NT