At the invitation of the People’s Republic of China, a delegation led by Union Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win left Yangon yesterday morning to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organ­ization’s Traditional Medicine Forum 2023, which will be held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, in China.


The 2023 Traditional Med­icine Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be held under the theme ‘In­heritance and Innovation of Traditional Medicine, Globali­zation of Traditional Medicine, and Protection of Traditional Medicine Intellectual Proper­ty Rights’. Ministers of health, representatives from the World Health Organization, traditional medicine professionals, and offi­cials from conventional Chinese medicine companies from mem­ber countries of the Shanghai Co­operation Organization, includ­ing China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, as well as observer countries like Afghani­stan, Belarus, and Mongolia, and dialogue partner countries such as Myanmar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Cambodia, will attend this meeting.


China and member coun­tries of the Shanghai Cooper­ation Organization, observer countries, and partner coun­tries will discuss issues relat­ed to improving the quality of traditional medicines. They will also discuss the innovation of traditional medicine production and the protection of intellectual property related to conventional medicine. — MNA/KZW