26 Oct
In a bid to reduce the crowd at markets, bring fresh food to the consumers and contain the possible spread of the coronavirus in the region, the mobile market is planned to start in three townships today (26 October) on a trial basis, the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) stated.
The affiliated associations start selling the food from 26 October, under the support of Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization under the Ministry of Commerce, the UMFCCI and Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC). The mobile market trucks will be located at Shwe Ohn Pin Housing, Shwe Ingyin housing in Yankin Township, Mahamyaing Housing in Dagon Myothit (North) Township and Kyaukmyaung Ward, Arthawka, Kyarkwetthit, Aung Mingala and Thida streets in Tamway Township in the morning of 26 October and inside Kanbe YCDC staff housing, government personnel housing of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation and Ministry of Hotels and Tourism in Yankin Township, Tamway and Bohmu Bahtoo Hosing in Dagon Myothit (North) and the roads in those townships under the guidance of the respective ward administrators and municipal officials in the evening. The mobile market will continue to run in Thakayta, Dawbon, Dagon Myothit (South), Dagon Myothit (Seikkan), Dagon Myothit (East) and Mayangon townships on 27 October. The UMFCCI will update the daily sales plans through their Facebook Page and YCDC offices in the respective townships.
The trucks will offer the packaged CP chicken, pork, beef, mutton, fresh and saltwater fish, egg and vegetable at a fair price. Myanmar Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Producers and Exporters Association (MFVP) planned to help support the smooth commodity flow and market stability amid the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, the MFVP invited the retail business partners and affiliated association who want to work together with them in line with the regulations. Six downtown areas such as Latha, Lanmadaw, Pabendan, Kyauktada, Pazuntaung and Botahtaung townships are excluded in the plan since selling with mobile trucks are restricted in the downtown areas. However, door-to-door delivery service or other suitable methods will be made for those six townships. Those affiliated associations and businesspersons who want to join this plan must have capital of K200,000 per truck, Hijet or any two-tonne truck with valid licence, licenced drivers, sales staff and supply chain workers.
The management team of the mobile truck will accept the goods supplied by the registered farmers only. The team will also set the price in certain wards with low-income people. Good packaging is also required for the door to door delivery system.
Those truck operators must strictly adhere to the traffic rules, the rules set by the municipal, and the health guidelines for the coronavirus, the MFVP stated.
Those interested business partners must present the name and registration number of companies, MSMEs, businesses and associations, and verification of the respective ward administrator or municipal officials for small shops and volunteer group. The copy of motor vehicle licence and photo of vehicle will be provided as well. For further inquiry, they can contact through phone number 01-218367 or email> [email protected] of the MFVP. During the Stay at Home period, they can also contact the officials of the MFVP via 09-5184756, 09-5250603 or [email protected], 09-5005269 (U Min Zaw), 09-43034894 (Daw Darli), 09-79654521(Daw Ei Ei Soe).
GNLM (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)