Meiktila hiking and mountaineering club to climb Mt. Phon Kan Razi

Meiktila, 1 January


The Meiktila hiking and mountaineering club will climb Mt. Phon Kan Razi in Putao Township after scaling up Mt. West and East Side Viewing in Ywangan Township and Mt. Lwemine in Hopon.


The last trips of the Meiktila hiking and mountaineering club are Mt. East and West Side Viewing with 7,752-foot high to be climbed on 5 January and Mt. Lwemine with 8,000-foot on Menae Mountain Ranges to be climbed in February. After that, Mt. Phon Kan Razi with 1,192-foot high will be climbed, according to Dr. Myat Min, member of the club.


The trips of the club are sponsored by United Pharma and the trip to climb Mt. Phon Kan Razi will also be sponsored by the company. The slogan of the club is “Love Nature”. Don’t discard any trash in every trip”. Alcohol and drug are prohibited among the club members. Failure to follow the prescribed rules will lead to dismissal from the club. Along the trip, doctors from the club give medical treatment to local people and make donations.


With over 1,000 memberships, every trip of the club includes between 140 and 200 members. The club climbed Mt. Popa, Mt. Elephant, Mt. Myinmahti, Mt. Pyaikkhaeywe and Mt. Seinkanauk Myakhanauk in 2018. This year, after climbing these three mountains, the trip will be suspended in the summer.


Chan Tha (Meiktila)

Translated by Suyee