ME hosts religious titles conferring ceremony in New Delhi

The conferring ceremony of religious titles ‘Maha Saddham­ma Jotikadhaja’ and ‘Saddham­ma Jotikadhaja’ offered by the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar was held on 26 May 2024 at the Myanmar Embassy in New Delhi.


State Ovadacariya Sitagu Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Dr Ashin Nyanis­sara, Sangha Raja of Shwekyin Nikaya Buddhist Order, Found­er of Sitagu International Bud­dhist Missionary Association, Chancellor of Sitagu Interna­tional Buddhist Academies, as well as Patron of Sitagu Ayuda­na and Sekkhu Dhana Hospi­tals, and Kushinagar Presiding Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rat­tha Guru Guruji Dr A B Gyane­shwar, President of Burmese Buddhist Sangha Council of India, President of All India Bhikkhu Sangha Council, Mem­ber of World Buddhist Sangha Council, as well as Member of Asia Buddhist Sangha Council, attended the ceremony as the guests of honour.


Present at the ceremony were ambassadors from Bud­dhist countries, venerable monks and Buddhist devotees from Buddhist Universities and Religious and Social Organiza­tions. According to the agenda, breakfast was served to distin­guished guests, and lunch was offered to venerable monks by the Myanmar ambassador.


Myanmar Ambassador to India U Moe Kyaw Aung first delivered an opening speech, emphasizing well-deserved recognition for Venerable Bud­dhist Monks’ outstanding con­tribution and devotion towards promoting and strengthening Buddhism as well as for their utmost efforts in carrying out the purification, perpetuation, propagation and promotion of the Buddha Sasana in India and other Buddhist countries. Then, the guests of honour, Si­tagu Sayadaw and Kushinagar Sayadaw, delivered remarks. On behalf of the Government of Myanmar, the Myanmar am­bassador presented the pres­tigious religious titles to three prominent venerable members of the Sangha: 1) Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Found­er of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre-MIMC, 2) Venerable Dr Dhammapiya, Chancellor of the Dhamma Dipa International Buddhist University and Secretary General of North-East India Buddhist Sangha Council, and 3) Dr Ashin Yatha, Sonuli My­anmar Monastery, followed by presenting International Buddha Peace Awards to four dignitaries who have rendered significant social contribution. — MNA