Mastering the Scorch That Is Innovative Approaches to Tackling Heat Waves




Higher temperatures cause machines to overheat, batteries to lose power, and roads to buckle, crippling infrastructure systems.


Humans weren’t the only ones who needed to stay cool dur­ing 2023’s record-breaking heat waves. Many machines, including cell phones, data centres, cars, and aeroplanes, become less effi­cient and degrade more quickly in extreme heat. Machines generate their own heat, too, which can make hot temperatures around them even hotter.


No machine is perfectly effi­cient — all machines face some internal friction during operation. This friction causes machines to dissipate some heat. That dis­pelled heat mixes with the exter­nal temperature, so the hotter it is outside, the hotter the machine will be.


Cell phones and similar de­vices with lithium-ion batteries experience decreased perfor­mance when operating in cli­mates above 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). This throttling is designed to avoid overheating and increased stress on the electronics.


Designs that use innovative phase-changing fluids can help keep machines cool, but in most cases, heat is still dissipated into the air. So, the hotter the air, the harder it is to keep a machine cool enough to function efficient­ly. Plus, the closer together ma­chines are, the more dissipated heat there will be in the surround­ing area.


We are engineering research­ers who study how machines manage heat, as well as ways to effectively recover and reuse heat that is otherwise wasted. Technol­ogies for reducing, capturing, and reusing heat could help prevent mechanical failures and weaken infrastructure systems during an era of rising temperatures.


Deforming Materials High­er temperatures, either from the weather or from the excess heat radiated from machinery, can cause materials in machinery to deform. To understand why, con­sider what temperature means at the molecular level.


At the molecular scale, the temperature is a measure of how much molecules are vibrating. The hotter the temperature, the more the molecules that make up everything from the air to the ground to materials in machinery vibrate.


As the temperature increases and the molecules vibrate more, the average space between them grows, causing most materials to expand. Roads are one place to see this happen — hot concrete expands, gets constricted, and eventually cracks. This phenome­non can happen to machinery, too, and thermal stresses are just the beginning of the problem. Trav­el Delays and Safety Risks High temperatures can also change the way oil in your car’s engine behaves, leading to potential en­gine failures. For example, if a heat wave makes it 16.7 degrees Celsius hotter than normal, the viscosity of typical car engine oil can change by a factor of three.


Fluids such as engine oils become thinner as they heat up, so if it gets too hot, the oil may not be thick enough to properly lubricate and protect engine parts from increased wear and tear.


Additionally, a hot day will cause the air inside your tyres to expand and raise the tyre pres­sure, which could increase wear and the risk of skidding.


Aeroplanes are also not designed to take off at extreme temperatures. As it gets hotter outside, air expands, making it thinner or less dense. This reduc­tion in air density decreases the amount of weight the plane can support during flight, which can cause significant travel delays or flight cancellations.


Battery Degradation In gen­eral, the electronics contained in devices such as cell phones, personal computers, and data centres consist of many kinds of materials that all respond differ­ently to temperature changes. These materials are all located next to one another in tight spac­es. So as the temperature increas­es, the types of materials deform differently, potentially leading to premature wear and failure.


Lithium-ion batteries in cars and electronic devices degrade faster at higher operating temper­atures. Heat increases the rate of reactions within the battery, including corrosion reactions that deplete the lithium levels, which in turn reduces the battery’s stor­age capacity. Tests conducted by Recurrent (a company that pro­vides car and battery information for the secondary electric vehi­cle market) found that electric vehicles can lose about 20 per cent of their range when exposed to sustained 32-degree Celsius (90-degree Fahrenheit) weather.


Data centres full of comput­er servers dissipate significant amounts of heat to keep their components cool. On very hot days, fans must work harder to ensure chips do not overheat, and in some cases, powerful fans are not enough to cool the electronics.


When the data centres need a stronger cooling system, they often turn to evaporative cooling. This method sends incoming dry air from the outside through a moist pad. The water from the pad evaporates into the air and absorbs heat, which cools the air. This technique is usually an effective and economical way to keep chips at a reasonable op­erating temperature. However, evaporative cooling can require a significant amount of water, which is problematic in regions where water is scarce. Water for cooling can add to the already intense resource footprint associated with data centres.


Air conditioners struggle to perform effectively as it gets hot­ter outside — just when they’re needed the most. On hot days, air conditioner compressors have to work harder to send the heat from homes outside, which in turn disproportionately increases elec­tricity consumption and overall electricity demand. For example, in Texas, every increase of one degree Celsius creates a rise of about four per cent in electricity demand.


Heat leads to a staggering 50 per cent increase in electricity demand during the summer in hotter countries, posing serious threats of electricity shortages or blackouts, as well as higher greenhouse gas emissions.


Reusing Heat

Heat waves and warming temperatures around the globe pose significant short and long-term problems for people and ma­chines alike. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the damage.


One is to ensure that ma­chines are kept in air-condi­tioned, well-insulated spaces out of direct sunlight. Another is for consumers to use high-energy devices, such as air conditioners and electric vehicle charging sta­tions, during off-peak hours when fewer people are using electricity.


Individual changes at the consumer level will not solve the problem alone, so scientists and engineers are developing ways to use and recycle the vast amounts of heat dissipated from machines. One simple example is using the waste heat from data centres to heat water. Waste heat could also drive other kinds of air-condition­ing systems such as absorption chillers, which use heat as energy to support coolers through a se­ries of chemical and heat-trans­ferring processes.


In both of these examples, the energy needed to heat or cool something comes from heat that is otherwise wasted. Indeed, one of us collaborated on a 2011 study that found that waste heat from power plants could support 27 per cent of residential air-condition­ing needs, which would result in a dramatic reduction of overall energy consumption and carbon emissions.


Extreme heat can affect every aspect of modern life, and heat waves aren’t going away in the coming years. However, there are opportunities to harness ex­treme heat and make it work for us.


Furthermore, heat waves are a natural occurrence that hap­pens when there is a prolonged period of excessively hot weather. While these heat waves can be un­comfortable and even dangerous, they can also have some benefits if managed properly. Therefore, let us explore ways to make heat waves beneficial by using them to our advantage while also address­ing the challenges they pose.


One way to make heat waves beneficial is by harnessing the excessive heat for energy gen­eration. Solar panels, for exam­ple, are more efficient during hot weather. The increased sunlight and high temperatures allow these panels to produce more electricity, which can be used to power homes, businesses, and even entire communities. By investing in renewable energy sources during heat waves, we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and lower our carbon footprint.


Heat waves can also benefit agriculture and food production when managed correctly. Some crops, such as tomatoes and pep­pers, thrive in hot weather. Farm­ers can take advantage of these conditions by planting heat-tol­erant crops during heat waves, which can lead to increased yields. Furthermore, the dry con­ditions that often accompany heat waves can reduce the risk of cer­tain plant diseases, such as mould and mildew, thereby promoting healthier crops.


Many people enjoy warm and sunny weather, making heat waves an opportunity for the tour­ism and recreation industries. During heat waves, tourist des­tinations can attract more visitors looking to relax on beaches, go hiking, or explore outdoor activ­ities. This influx of tourists can stimulate local economies and create job opportunities. Howev­er, it is essential to provide ade­quate infrastructure and safety measures to protect both tourists and residents from heat-related health risks.


Heat waves can lead to drought conditions, which can be a major challenge. However, they also provide an opportunity to raise awareness about the im­portance of water conservation. During these periods, commu­nities can implement water-sav­ing measures and educate the public about responsible water usage. This can lead to long-term benefits by reducing water waste and ensuring a more sustainable supply of freshwater in the future.


While making heat waves beneficial is important, it is equal­ly crucial to prepare for extreme weather events that may accom­pany them. Heat waves can lead to forest fires, heat-related illness­es, and other dangers. Adequate planning, early warning systems, and community outreach can help minimize the negative impacts of heat waves and ensure the safety and well-being of residents.


In brief, heat waves are a natural phenomenon that, when managed properly, can offer vari­ous benefits. By using the excess heat for energy generation, pro­moting heat-tolerant agriculture, boosting tourism, encouraging water conservation, and prepar­ing for extreme weather events, we can make the most out of heat waves. However, it is essential to strike a balance and ensure that we are also ready to address the challenges that heat waves may bring. With proper planning and a focus on sustainability, we can turn heat waves into oppor­tunities for growth and positive change.


Reference: American Scientist Nov 2023