Kalaw tourism boost to uplift local economy

Development of Kalaw and its tourism will help the socioec­onomy of the local community improve, according to a tourism development forum.


The Destination Man­agement Organization plays a crucial role in effectuating destination development and sustainable tourism. All the stakeholders, including relat­ed departments, organizations, and tourism agencies, must ex­ert concerted efforts to achieve this, as quoted Dr Thet Thet Khine, Union Minister for Ho­tels and Tourism, remarking at an event held on 24 May.


According to the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, in­ternational tourist arrivals in 2023 rose worldwide by 34 per cent compared to that of 2022. Myanmar also saw a rebound in tourist arrivals.


Additionally, a strategic plan included in a three-year project to promote Kalaw’s destination (2022-2025) needs to be implemented. The DMO and locals must work together to bring about socio-economic development through tourism.


Kalaw attracts the sec­ond largest number of visitors among the cities in southern Shan State, and some also vis­it the Inlay Lake, Pindaya and other surrounding areas.


The homegrown travellers from central and lower Myan­mar mostly visit the following popular destinations in Kalaw hill station: Pine Forest, Kalaw Myoma Market, Kalaw Rail­way Station, Mahamuni Hnee Buddha Image, Kalaw Thein Mountain, Kalaw Clock Tower and Ozi Mountain, Kalaw View Point, Kalaw Hill Top Villa Ho­tel, Kalaw City View, Kalaw Italy Church, Yay Yaungma ViewPoint, Old railway between the valley, Myinmahti natural cave, Byike Mountain, Kalaw ShweUMin cave and elephant camp. — TWA/KK