Invitation for Volunteer COVID-19 National Volunteer Steering Unit

30 April

THE Community Based Facility Quarantine process is a key role for containment of COVID-19 spread. Those who had close contacts with the positive patients and the returnees from foreign countries need to take part in this programme. Despite no symptoms, they need to stay under surveillance for a total of 28 days during incubation period — 21 days facility quarantine and the 7- day home quarantine.

Those in community based facility quarantine will require assistance of well-trained volunteers. For the specific process and time frame, the volunteers will have to perform their daily duties in inner circle or outer circle depending on the requirement and available services. They are required to work for the whole period of 21 days. They will also have to live at specific places for the 7-day recreation. They will have to do this work for a total of 28 days at least one time. They may offer their services for the next round.

It is warmly invited to spend time, labour, skills and expertise without getting any charge in this process of specific time. The list of volunteers at the local community based facility quarantine centre has been collected. The objective of the National Volunteer Steering Unit is to give training to the volunteers, to supply the quarantined persons with fundamental foods, to have sufficient relaxation and recognition of the government.

Those who want to join the volunteer programme as volunteers for a specific field, the registration can be made in the Facebook page of Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement not later than 6:00 pm 5 May 2020.

The works of civil service societies and individual volunteers are well appreciated and they are requested for more cooperation.

Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (Translated by Aung Khin)