Industrial zones and extended zones have great chance to boost export products

Authorities of regions and states have to implement industrial zones in accordance with industrial law and rules to have success similar to the Thilawa Special Economic Zone.


Industrial zone establishment and supervisory committees have to supervise the meas­ures to determine whether in­dustrial zones actually operate and allow the work process of the same businesses, said Vice-Sen­ior General Soe Win.


The Industry and Industrial Zone Development Central Com­mittee held the meeting 1/2024 at the hall of the Ministry of In­dustry in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the Central Commit­tee Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior Gen­eral Soe Win.


In his speech, the Vice-Sen­ior General underlined that My­anmar has to develop 28 main industrial zones, 53 branches, and five industrial wards, with two more industrial zones under es­tablishment to amend the points that are not in compliance with the law and rules.


He noted that upon comple­tion of the formation of the local industrial zones and the forma­tion of supervisory committees, industrial management commit­tees will be set up.


It is necessary to systemat­ically establish industrial zones under the economic development framework of the State with in­vestment of local and foreign businesspersons, he added.


He underscored that only when the funds can be set up in accord with the industrial zone law and rules will all the tasks be successful.


He explained that the cen­tral committee needs to adopt policies and solve difficulties, whereas the local industrial zone establishment and supervisory committee, and regional gov­ernments have to supervise the successful implementation of the already set up industrial zones and those to be established, and the industrial zone management committees play a vital role in these measures.


As such, the Vice-Senior General continued that deserving persons must be formed in the supervisory committee and man­agement committees to achieve success in the work process.


He stressed that region and state chief ministers need to choose the proper persons to be assigned. He also pointed out that some residential wards are locat­ed near industrial zones, while similarly, there are industrial wards situated near residential areas. The chief ministers have to seek solution to this problem under the industrial zone law and rules. The small-scale industri­al zone submitted by Magway Region is primarily allocated to groups of less than 500 acres of land to manufacture value-added products made of oil crops, beans, and cotton.


The Magway Region gov­ernment needs to submit a new proposal for an industrial zone to use cotton and thread industries and oil crops.


Authorities of regions and states have to implement their in­dustrial zones in accordance with industrial law and rules to have success, similar to the Thilawa Special Economic Zone.


Only when all need to have skills in legal affairs and follow them will they have achievements in the work process.


Secretary of the Central Committee Deputy Minister for Industry U Yin Maung Nyunt and Magway Region Chief Minister U Tint Lwin read the letters to the central committee.


The Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee Union Min­ister for Industry reported on the history of industrial zones, draft­ing industrial zone law and rules, and formation of committees and tactics for the development of in­dustrial zones.


Committee members, Union ministers, and deputy ministers discussed the successful imple­mentation of the industrial zone under the law and rules.


The Vice-Senior General ful­filled the needs of the discussions. — MNA/TTA