I have high regard and great expectations for the power of straightforwardness and bravery of Kayin nationals in the peace building and national reconciliation process.

6 January

Message of Greetings sent by State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on the occasion of the Kayin New Year day

(6 January 2019)

  1. Today, the 6th of January 2019 is the first waxing day of Pyatho of 2758 Kayin Era, day held in great esteem and pride by Kayin nationals. It is the Kayin New Year day full of significance and auspiciousness. Thus let me first of all extend these greetings and good wishes for a successful transition from the old year to the new with mingalar and good fortune.


  1. Since olden times, Kayin nationals have had a tradition to celebrate new crop festivals at harvest time happily with all their family members present. In accordance with this tradition, on this auspicious Kayin New Year day also, I send these good wishes so that all Kayin nationals would be blessed with consolidation, happiness, unity, and positive aspirations for the future.



  1. The good traits such as honesty, diligence, loyalty, and ability to act with firm determination which has been inherited from great grandparents of Kayin ethnic nationals have been preserved and maintained up to the present. This year marks the 2758th year.


  1. Such good traditions and customs are very valuable resources for the establishment of a democratic union. At such an important time like this when we are facing internal and external challenges, the abilities and spirit of each and every ethnic national is indeed very important. The united consolidated strength of all of us constitutes a very powerful weapon for the defence and security of our country.



  1. Kayin nationals who have suffered heavily the scourges of internal conflicts for many decades understand and believe deeply the need to achieve peace without fail. That is why I have high regard and great expectations for the power of straightforwardness and bravery of Kayin nationals in the peace building and national reconciliation process.


  1. I pray that for many years to come, as long as this world endures, countless generations would be able to preserve the noble traditions laid down by the grandparents, in happiness and personal security; may they be able to implement with great momentum in 2758 Kayin Era; may the Kayin State continue to develop and enjoy bounteous harvests and prosperity; may you all have peace of mind and share the blessings of good fortune and auspiciousness. I thus send these warm good wishes with Metta.



Aung San Suu Kyi