EU leaders agree on Belarus sanctions

The leaders of the European Union have agreed to impose sanctions on senior officials of the Belarusian government, citing human rights violations following the country's disputed presidential election.

The EU leaders met at a summit on Thursday and Friday.

The move comes as protests continue in Belarus after President Alexander Lukashenko claimed victory in the August election. The government has stepped up pressure on opposition leaders and citizens.

The sanctions are expected to target about 40 officials who are believed to have been involved in the recent elections and the crackdown on anti-government protesters.

Separately, the EU leaders also discussed ongoing clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. They called on both sides to agree to an immediate ceasefire.

French President Emmanuel Macron said before the EU talks there is information that suggests Syrian fighters have entered the conflict zone via Turkey.

The EU countries did not mention Ankara by name, but said there should be no military solutions or outside interference, in an apparent reference to Turkey.
