Enhance road safety: A global imperative

In a world fraught with traffic dangers that imperil countless lives, the paramount significance of traffic safety cannot be overstated. Across the globe, an earnest focus on road safety measures is being championed to counteract the scourge of traffic accidents.


The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a sobering report, revealing that an alarming 1.3 million lives are claimed annually by road accidents worldwide, while over 50 million individuals suffer injuries. Tragically, this toll is steadily mounting year by year.


Historically, road accidents ranked as the eighth leading cause of mortality in the first decade. However, the report projects that this grim statistic might ascend to the third position during the 2020s. Notably, the majority of nations worldwide experience an annual economic setback of three to five per cent of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) due to road accidents, a fiscal burden for developing countries.


To counter this crisis, the Decade of Action for Road Safety has been enacted, aligned with the five pillars of road safety strat­egy: road safety management, safer vehicles, enhanced road user behaviour, improved post-crash response, and the creation of safer driving envi­ronments. These pillars offer a holistic approach to road safe­ty endorsed by the United Na­tions, providing a conceptual framework that informs road safety endeavours.


Presently, a comprehen­sive global plan for the second decade has been devised, aug­menting the five pillars with 12 voluntary targets geared towards halving casualties resulting from road and traf­fic accidents by 2030. Active public involvement remains pivotal in preventing road ac­cidents and ensuring traffic safety.


In Myanmar, the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) is at the vanguard, formulating essential policies and plans to oversee traffic and road safety initiatives. The annual NRSC report underscores that a staggering 94 per cent of traffic accidents stem from human recklessness, compounded by road conditions, designs, and standards.


Right from the inception of road projects, the integration of road safety measures becomes paramount. The installation of pertinent road signs and directional aids assumes heightened importance in fostering road and traffic safety. Consequently, adherence to traffic regulations by the populace should be unwavering, while authori­ties must redouble their efforts to fortify the safety of road users.


As the world confronts the relentless toll of road accidents, it is incumbent upon societies to champion a collective commitment to road safety. Only through resolute adherence to regulations and a steadfast dedication to creating safer road environments can the harrowing statistics of road accidents be curbed, ultimately preserving precious lives across the globe.