Electricity through renewable energy to be distributed in Patheingyi Township

Mandalay 28 March

Under the E-ASIA project, a survey was conducted on households in Taegone village in Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region in order to facilitate electricity with the use of renewable energy yesterday.

“The project is conducted by a comprising association including Japan and five ASEAN countries. The project targets to supply electricity with funds of E-Asia. The renewable energy from solar and hydro power is used as electricity” said Mrs. Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo (Doctor of Engineering)(WASEDA University of Tokyo, Japan).

A discussion with local people was conducted and a survey on power consumption  was also undertaken. The E-Asia project is signed by Myanmar Government and Japanese Government and it is being conducted by Japanese Science Technology-JST.
Ei Moh Moh Khaing
Translated by Suyee

