Efforts to boost country’s sustainable paper production

About 301 million bamboos in natural forests are cut down every year to be used as raw materials for producing pulp and paper, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conser­vation.


Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation U Khin Maung Yi stated in his meeting with industrial entrepreneurs at the United Paper Mill in Dagon Myothit (East) Township on 26 November that measures would be taken to set up plan­tations of fast-growing species of trees and bamboos to pro­vide raw materials in the long run for paper production.


As the country faces a high demand for paper, a variety of raw materials such as trees, bamboos, straws, and banana fibres are being used. Addition­ally, waste paper is recycled for producing paper.


The Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Natural Re­sources and Environmental Conservation, and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry are reportedly work­ing together to boost the man­ufacturing of pulp and paper.


The newsprint mill (Thaboung) resumed opera­tions in August after a hiatus. If it can operate at full capacity, it will be capable of produc­ing newsprint as well as oth­er types of paper. Besides the Thaboung paper mill, paper production once depended on the Yeni and Sittoung paper mills, the latter of which has been shut down due to its ad­vanced age. — ASH/NT