December 22


Warden of PyinOoLwin National Lake Garden U Zaw Min stated that the daily entertainment of Bazzaar Stage is performed by famous singers at the 16th Flower Festival.


The festival is being held from 16 December to 14 January and flower festivals, entertainment and market festivals are also included.


“The opening ceremony was held on 16 December and the entertainment started on 17 December. Many famous singers are performing. The playground for children is also along with the market festival day,” U Zaw Min Tun mentioned.


It is also reported that local products, clothes, handicrafts and souvenirs shops are also included in this year’s National Park Flower Festival.


PyinOoLwin National Lake Garden covers 436.96 acres — 366.96 acres of land and 70 acres of water. The National Lake Garden was built in 1924 and has now been leased for 15 years to the Htoo Group of Companies starting from 2010. — ASH/ TRKM