Cleaning of Bagan Cultural Heritage Zone’s religious buildings completed in 6 of 11 areas

The task of cleaning the inte­riors and exteriors of religious buildings and statues within the Bagan Cultural Heritage Zone has been divided into 11 areas, with six areas already fully com­pleted, said U Kyaw Myo Win, the Director of the Department of Archaeology and National Museum (Bagan Branch).


Cleaning around the an­cient buildings and removing invasive plants from both the interiors and exteriors of the buildings and statues are meas­ures taken to ensure the clean­liness and sustainability of the ancient structures within the Bagan cultural heritage zone. The cultural heritage zone was initially divided into six areas for this project, but starting in the 2023–2024 financial year, it has expanded to operate in eleven areas.


“In the past financial year 2023-2024, cleaning and beau­tification works in areas (I, A, J, C, D, and E) and along road­sides have been fully complet­ed. These areas contain 1,617 ancient religious buildings,” U Kyaw Myo Win said.


“In executing this task, clearance of tree within the area 20 feet from the ancient temples, removal of plants growing on the upper part of the buildings, and cleaning the interiors of the temples are being undertaken, along with the removal of large plants growing near the ancient buildings. By doing this, you will be able to see the ancient buildings clearly and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Bagan region. Additionally, the removal of plants near the ancient build­ings will allow ample sunlight, reduce humidity, and promote drying. We are continuing to work on areas F, G, and H in the 2024-2025 financial year,” he explained.


In addition to this, depart­mental staff assigned to specific areas have been carrying out daily cleaning tasks, along with collective cleaning in necessary areas, on a weekly basis. Simi­larly, social organizations are collaborating with the depart­ment to clean and beautify the Bagan heritage area. — ASH/ TH