August 12
The price of chickpea remains in the bull market on the back of strong domestic demand and the price rose by K25,000 per three-basket bag, according to Bayintnaung Wholesale Market.
At present, the price was pegged at K90,000 per bag on 9 August, whereas the chickpea price rose to K115,000 per bag at the present time. The chickpea growers are fetching a good price amidst the low production this year, traders said.
“The export of chickpea came to a halt from the closure of border posts by China. At present, the domestic bean market is positively related to the law of supply and demand,” said a trader from Mandalay who shared his opinion.
Myanmar exported chickpea to India, Pakistan, UAE, Turkey and other foreign markets last year.
The chickpea are cultivated in Yangon, Mandalay, Bago, Sagaing and Ayeyawady regions and Nay Pyi Taw. There are 890,000 acres of chickpea plantations across the country.
The peas are cultivated in October and November and they are harvested in January-April period.
More than 25,190 tonnes of chickpea were exported to foreign markets between 1 October and 23 July of the current financial year 2020-2021, with estimated value of US$14.87 million, the Commerce Ministry’s data indicated.—KK/GNLM