The century-old teak monas­tery situated in the precinct of the Dhammikārāma Shwegyin monastery in Aungmyethaz­an Township, and the ancient Makkhaya City in Singaing Township are slated for devel­opment as new tourist destina­tions in the Mandalay Region, according to U Min Maung Soe, Deputy Director of the Man­dalay Region Directorate of Hotels and Tourism.


“The teak monastery holds significance for Thai tourists due to its embodiment of Kon­baung period Myanmar-Thai ancient architecture, featuring a statue of the Thai architect responsible for its construc­tion.


Following a large-scale renovation this year in collab­oration between Myanmar and Thai architects, including sig­nificant contributions donated through a merit-sharing cer­emony by Thai teams, we are poised to establish it as a new tourist destination. Similarly, the old city of Makkhaya, still attracting tourists, will also receive designation as a new destination,” U Min Maung Soe said.


The Mandalay Region Di­rectorate of Hotels and Tour­ism preserves the ancient city of Makkhaya in Singaing Town­ship, Mandalay Region, as it offers visitors the opportunity to witness the architectural wonders dating back to the Nyaungyan period, earlier than the Konbaung era. — ASH/TH