A ceremony was held in Yangon on 25 February to award sti­pends provided by the Bank of China for the current academic year to 100 students from Yan­gon University, as announced by the Chinese Embassy to Myanmar.


Ms Cao Jing, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Chi­na, stated during the ceremony that China-Myanmar financial institutions and businesses as­pire to play a significant role in the development of Myanmar and the advancement of its peo­ple’s interests. She encouraged the students to study diligently to become competent individu­als and a major driving force for China-Myanmar cooperation.


At the event, Daw Khaing Shwe Wah, Director-General of the Central Bank of Myanmar, commended the active contri­butions of Chinese banks and companies to Myanmar’s so­cioeconomic development. Dr Daw Cho Cho, Pro-Rector of Yangon University, along with some students, expressed grat­itude on behalf of the recipients of the stipends.


The Bank of China con­firmed its commitment to awarding stipends to students of Yangon University in 2022 and continuing to provide sti­pends to 100 students annually from Yangon University. – ASH/ MKKS