Addressing illegal trade for consumer protection

The eradication of illegal trade is a crucial goal for the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee, aiming to protect consumers and ensure fair pricing of essential goods for legitimate businesses. Despite efforts to combat it, recent reports reveal that illegal trade continues to thrive. In the period from May 2022 to April 2023, the export value mentioned in Thailand from May 2022 to April 2023 amounted to US$2.932 billion compared to $1.293 billion of Myanmar’s statistics with $1.639 billion of dif­ferences within one year, highlighting the persistent strength of illegal trade in Myanmar.


Various fundamental factors contribute to the thriving ille­gal trade, including government policies, supply and demand dynamics, trade transparency, and the customs environment.


Additionally, challenges like security concerns in border ar­eas, porous entry points along lengthy borders, monitoring difficulties, and weaknesses in legal affairs hinder eradication efforts. Insufficient capacity and resources of personnel as­signed to tackle illegal trade, along with misconduct by some involved in both illegal trading and law enforcement, exacerbate the issue.


Efforts to combat illegal trade have seen some success, with dedicated personnel seiz­ing smuggled commodities worth K127.054 billion in 7,011 cases from January 2022 to June 2023. However, illegal trade and the extraction of natural resources continue to negatively impact the State’s economy, betraying the inter­ests of the people and imped­ing rightful revenue genera­tion.


To ensure the State’s prosperity and the well-being of citizens, all stakeholders must consider the consequences of their actions. A collective approach is essential, avoiding harm to one another and protecting vulner­able members of society who lack knowledge and empowerment in trade matters.


To achieve this, the Steering Committee must refine policies and coordination efforts, considering the multifaceted nature of the problem. Strengthening border security and enhancing monitoring mechanisms are crucial steps in curbing illegal trade. Additionally, investing in the training and capacity-building of law enforcement personnel will improve the effectiveness of eradication measures.


Public awareness campaigns can also play a pivotal role in educating citizens about the detrimental impacts of illegal trade and the importance of supporting legitimate businesses. Encouraging transparency and accountability in trade practices will create an environment where illegal trade finds no footing.


Hence, eradicating illegal trade requires collaboration from all stakeholders. By working together, the government, businesses, and consumers can create an environment that ensures fair and ethical trade practices, benefiting society as a whole. A concerted effort will protect the State’s economy and safeguard the rights and well-being of all consumers, promoting a thriving and sustainable future for the nation.