15 flooded schools closed temporarily in Minhla Township

Minhla, 11 September


Some schools were closed temporarily as the water level of Kantin Belin Dam exceeded its danger mark following the incessant rains throughout Minhla Township, Bago Region on 10 September.


An inter-village road was submerged about one ft. by floodwaters and 15 schools were closed temporarily. Two rural wooden bridges were swept away by floodwaters, destroying acres of crop plantations. A group of local authorities consisting of policemen, firefighters, security personnel and volunteers led by the township administrator were actively involved in the rescue operations in the flooded areas.


According to observations, the amount of rainfall in Minhla Township was recorded at 4.17 inches and the water level of the dam is not a dangerous situation, according to a source from the Department of Irrigation.


—Pauk Sa (Minhla)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe