No man is above the law in fighting scourge of corruption

With the opening of the Anti-Corruption Commission Office Building which meets the standard of other ASEAN-member of the South East Asia Parties against Corruption, the Union Government has taken further step to speed up the fighting against the corruption.
The opening of the building becomes the milestone in the history of anti-corruption of Myanmar as it comes while the Union Government is taking a lead in the fight against the corruption which has taken a root for decades in our country. Corruption is posing a hindrance to emergence of a clean government with good governance. That is why the incumbent government is committed to fighting corruption as a national duty.

A country’s economic dignity depends upon how free of corruption that country is. Corruption Prevention Units have three duties: to scrutinize and explore corruption, to solve corruption problems; and to prevent civil servants from engaging in corruption.
Mushrooming of Corruption Prevention Units in our regions and states has alerted government departments and individuals to the danger posed by corruption. Due to the action taken against corrupt civil servants, the public is increasingly more aware of the dangers of corruption. As democracy strides forwards during this transitional period, there is a better chance of exposing corruption. The farther the journey of democratic transition takes steps forward, the larger will be the risk among people who are involved in corruption. Corruption is more widespread in developing countries and those in transition—not because they are different from other nations but because the conditions are ripe.

State institutions are weak; government policies or regulatory agencies contain loop- holes that permit illegal activities; and institutions such as parliament, the judiciary, and civil society—including the press—that usually serve as safeguards are marginalized or themselves affected by corruption. Therefore, these countries are locked in a vicious circle of corruption. Corruption cannot be defeated if civil liberties are not firmly guaranteed. Hence, the Union Government is committed to fighting this scourge of humanity because it is the enemy of security, development, progress, and peace. The fourth amendment to the Anti-Corruption Law, sub-section (A), Section-3, bars officials from abusing their power by using their position in the administration. Under the law, action can be taken against those who give and receive bribes. No doubt. There will be no man above the law in our country.