Nurture children with children’s literature for raising their reading habits

November 22

Parents and guardians are responsible for choosing the good literature appropriate for the children to have a wider knowledge and culture the good morale. Since their childhood, children must be nurtured to raise their reading habits. In addition, short stories on heroes and books illustrating satisfaction, happiness and activeness should be read for the children.


Illustrated stories are much attractive to the children for raising their reading habits. In Myanmar tradition, parents retell stories to their offspring in bed. These stories carry basic knowledge on the nature of living beings, animals and objects. Actually, children see these items on a daily basis. So, these names and items are not strange for them.


When the stories car­ry the names friendly with them, children are happy and satisfied with their lis­tening to the stories. Then, they are keen to listen to more and more stories and try hard to read the stories they had listened to. So, they would have felt the wonder­ful satisfaction of reading the literature. Gradually, children would prefer to read the child literature.


As such, adults need to create the environs for children, too. They are re­sponsible to choose the best and appropriate children’s literature for the children. Child literature will pave the way for reading to children for their lives.


The children aged be­tween nine and 12 years have little skill of reading. Hence, parents and adults need to choose books on religion, culture, morale and history for the chil­dren. Sometimes, the adults should hold literary discus­sions with children to im­prove their critical thinking in conformity with their age.


While parents are choosing the best child literature for the offspring, authors need to take care of compiling the children’s literature which must give the appropriate knowledge to children. The child literature must carry the stories related to the child level but the adult level. Some children’s literature features high ideologies at the adult level. If so, reader children cannot under­stand the main theme of the books. If they face many books at a similar level, they may be disappointed at reading the literature.


Hence, parents need to carefully nurture their offspring with the nutrition of literature. At the same time, authors are responsible for the creation of genuine children’s literature to improve the life of new generations.